Sins of a solar empire where do i save galaxy forge map
Sins of a solar empire where do i save galaxy forge map

sins of a solar empire where do i save galaxy forge map

How did you send it to your friends? Does the map have exactly the same file size on all of your PCs? Originally posted by GoaFan77:I'm thinking for some reason the game seems the map files as different from each other in some way. I also recall that we never had any issues playing custom Galaxy Forge maps back before rebellion and titans came out (old school Sins) - so what changed and what is the fix for this?

sins of a solar empire where do i save galaxy forge map

The only success we've had was putting the map into Map Designer folder - which allowed the other person to successfully join the lobby - however the game ends on an instant-defeat the moment it starts with the map in this folder (either single player or multiplayer) Each one of us can host the said map, and play it on their own - so the game is seeing the map there - but not with each other. We've tried putting the map file into install folder/galaxy. We've tried map file into the install folder/galaxy forge. We've tried putting the map file in the user/documets/my games/ironclad/sins/galaxy forge folder. We are trying to play a galaxy forge map over the internet.īasically everything we try results in a "map file not found" error for the person trying to join. Basically haven't gotten this to work a year or two ago when we had the same issue (different people involved), but thought maybe there has been a workaround found since.

Sins of a solar empire where do i save galaxy forge map